Cad iadna costais a bhaineann le múnla insteallta plaisteach

Väljalaske kuupäev:2021-06-28

I have a set of plastic shells that need to be opened. The product size is (**) cm/mm and the weight is (**) g. How much does it cost to open a set of molds? Faced with such problems, many professional mold manufacturers are unable to immediately give accurate quotations.

主图.jpgTherefore, once again remind everyone  "I have a set of plastic shells that need to be mold-opened. The product size is (**) cm/mm and the weight is (**) g. How much does it cost to open a set of molds?" Faced with such a problem, many professional mold manufacturers cannot Give an accurate quote immediately. Therefore, I would like to remind all customers once again that the mold quotation also needs to provide the following information, so that our factory can quickly formulate an accurate quotation for your product: 1. CAD drawings of plastic products 2. Photos of plastic products, so that we can observe its shape 3. Size and weight of plastic products 4. Requirements for the number of holes and material of the mold. Generally speaking, the structure is simple and the requirements are not too high. The price of molds with general materials is 8k-1w+. How much does it cost to open a set of molds for plastic products with higher requirements? It ranges from hundreds of thousands to millions. What are the factors that affect the cost of a set of molds? 1. Expected mold production volume, which determines what kind of material is used and what price is required. 2. The size and shape of the product are simple and complex. This determines the corresponding structure of the plastic mold, which is directly related to the cost of the plastic mold. 3. The product has different requirements for size, appearance, precision, appearance requirements, and processing costs. 4. The requirement for the number of mold cavities is to open and close the mold once and produce several products, one at a time or multiple products, this is generally not a big product. Generally speaking, the cost of making plastic molds is 6-10 times the cost of materials. The specific amount depends on the complexity of the plastic mold. The structure is simple, the requirements are not high, the plastic mold with general material, the product is within 10CM, and the two-cavity mold costs less than 20,000 yuan. The specifics are hard to say, it depends on the product. If there is a specific product picture, you can calculate a relatively close cost, but each plastic mold manufacturer's price will be very different, because each plastic mold manufacturer has different requirements for profit points. Some people also ask why it is so expensive to open a plastic mold? This is mainly because the structure is complex, the processing procedures are many, the labor cost is high, and the price of the materials used to make the injection mold is not cheap, so the cost of the plastic mold is naturally not low.

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Jiangmen Billow Peak Technology Co., Ltd.

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